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Vienna, Austria

July 1st - July 16th, 2024

The Audition Academy is a two week intensive program for advanced singers preparing for professional auditions and agent auditions. Singers will work daily with Kalle Koiso-Kanttila of International Artists Management on audition prep and learn about the business of opera. Participants will also work individually with Jennifer Davison on elements of Life Coaching covering topics of mindfulness, career sustainability and finding happiness beyond the stage.  

A Word IOA Management | Kalle Kanttila

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Kalle Kanttila

Arts Manager & Founder | International Opera Artists

"I am excited to join the Vienna Summer Music Festival Audition Academy.  I have firsthand witness of the talent that has come through this program and am prepared to share with all incoming participants the opportunity to sing for my network of agents, casting directors, and producers throughout Europe.  I look forward to meeting you soon."


Learn More about Kalle Kanttila

Featured Guest Casting Directors and Agents


Christian Carlstedt

Casting Director of Komische Oper Berlin, State Opera Hannover, Opera Bern & Opera Klagenfurt

Audition Academy Program

This program is geared to individuals who are really ready to enter the professional world of opera.  This program is small and will consist of no more than fifteen individuals.  We want to prepare you for auditions, meet casting directors, and perform in our gala-concert with live orchestra. 


Program fee €3950

(Includes housing)

Agent Consultations

Participants will sing for distinguished agents while in Vienna. Singers will receive feedback on their singing, materials and advice while also being considered for their rosters. 


Vocal Coachings

Vocalists will receive coachings with a renowned coach working in Vienna. Coachings will be individualized to the vocalist’s personal experience and will focus on repertoire, diction, musicianship, and interpretation.


Meistersinger Gala

Participants will perform with the orchestra in a prestigious hall for a public audience and industry professionals from IOAs professional network. 

Featured Guest Casting Directors and Agents

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Selin Tabak

Mental Wellness and Psychologist

Selin Tabak is a Psychologist, M. Sc., Yoga Trainer, Mindfulness Trainer and writer with a private office in Izmir/Turkey, where she has been working with individuals as well as companies. She has been holding psychological sessions, yoga and Mindfulness trainings for 16 years, working with clients from all over the world including Austria, England, USA, Japan, Arab Emirates, etc. As a writer, her book “Gaining Power From Loneliness“ was a huge success in Turkey with over 30 000 sold copies, and many of her articles were published in well known Turkish newspapers and TV channels.

Selin Tabak is an alumna of the Psychology Department at Ege University Izmir and holds a masters degree in Psychiatry in Addiction Counselling. Her further education includes trainings in Transactional Analyses, Schema Therapy, EMDR Therapy for Trauma, Family Counselling, Behavioural Cognitive Therapy, Yoga therapy and Mindfulness, as well as a short term training in “Psychology at Work“ at Oxford University.

As a member of the Rotary Club, she fights for animals’ and women rights and supports people in need.

Jennifer Davison

Singer and Researcher

With her “sump­tu­ous voice of unusu­al pow­er” (Opera Amer­i­ca) and her riv­et­ing dra­mat­ic inter­pre­ta­tions, Jen­nifer Davi­son has won acclaim from audi­ences and crit­ics alike for her work on the oper­at­ic and con­cert stages of both Europe and the Unit­ed States.  High­lights of her diverse reper­toire include Baroque operas, Mozart and Puc­ci­ni hero­ines, as well as numer­ous con­tem­po­rary operas and role cre­ations.

Jen­nifer Davi­son stud­ied at the Peabody Con­ser­va­to­ry, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cincin­nati (CCM) and was a young artist in such pres­ti­gious pro­grams as the Wolf Trap Opera, the Mero­la Opera of the San Fran­cis­co Opera Cen­ter, and the Ravinia Fes­ti­val.  She won prizes and/or received grants from such insti­tu­tions as the Palm Beach Opera, the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Nation­al Coun­cil Audi­tions, the Sul­li­van Foun­da­tion, the San Fran­cis­co Opera Cen­ter, and the Eleanor McCol­lum Com­pe­ti­tion of the Hous­ton Grand Opera.

Jen­nifer Davi­son began her career in Europe at the Luzern The­ater in Switzer­land, where she sang in over 200 per­for­mances in reper­toire includ­ing stan­dard roles like Pam­i­na, Micaela, Zer­li­na, as well as Baroque operas by Han­del and Bois­morti­er, to mod­ern pieces by Brit­ten and Berio, includ­ing a co-pro­duc­tion with the Luzern Fes­ti­val of Olga Neuwirth´s Bäh­lamms Fest.

Since 2012 she has made her home in Vien­na, Aus­tria, where she has sung lead­ing roles in per­for­mances in the The­ater an der Wien, the Osterk­lang Fes­ti­val Wien, the Wiener Fest­wochen, the Neue Oper Wien, as well as in con­cert at the Wiener Musikvere­in, the Wiener Konz­erthaus, and on the stage of the Wiener Staat­sop­er.  Recent role debuts include Jen­ny in Kurt Weill´s The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny at the Tirol Lan­desthe­ater in Inns­bruck, as well as Syl­va Vares­cu in Erich Kalman’s The Csar­das Princess with the Operette Metro­pole Baden bei Wien, and the Count­ess in Mozart´s Mar­riage of Figaro with the Napi­er Opera in New Zealand.

An enthu­si­as­tic con­cert singer, Jen­nifer has sung works by Mendessohn, Haydn, Mozart, Brahms, Dvo­rak, Can­teloube among oth­ers with orches­tras includ­ing the Bal­ti­more Sym­pho­ny, the Asheville Sym­pho­ny, the Ton­halle Zurich, the Luzern Sin­fonieorch­ester, and the Nord­west­deutsche Rund­funk Orches­tra, the Baroque Ensem­ble of the Wiener Sym­phoniker, and the Wiener Kam­merorch­ester.

In 2017–2018 she will appear with the Boston Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra in Sym­pho­ny Hall and will be fea­tured with the Erie Cham­ber Orches­tra in works by Haydn and Beethoven.  She is also look­ing for­ward to her role debut as the Marschallin in Richard Strauss´s Der Rosenkava­lier with the Lan­desthe­ater Nieder­bay­ern

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Applicants for the VSMF Audition Academy are required to submit two contrasting operatic arias, one of which needs to be sung in French, Italian, or German.


Applicants will provide their Name, Address, Phone number, Email Address, Date of Birth, Education, Voice Type, Current Applied Teacher, Previous Voice Teachers, Web Address, Headshot, Resume, and Audition Materials via the online form provided below.


All application and audition materials including YouTube links, audio files, headshot, resume and must be submitted via a single link to an approved file sharing site such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or iCloud. For questions regarding submitting via file sharing, please email us at


Resumes may be submitted as PDF or Word Document files only, and should include the applicant’s first and last name and program of interest.


Applicants will be contacted after the audition committee reviews the materials.  Applicants who advance to the next phase of the application process will be contacted for a phone interview.  Applicants are typically contacted within 10 business days from the submission of the application. 


An application fee of $35 is required for submission.


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