Anthony Green
The creative output of Anthony R. Green (composer, performer, social justice) includes musical and visual creations, interpretations of original, contemporary, and repertoire works, collaborations, educational outreach, and more. Behind all his artistic endeavors are the ideals of equality and freedom. His compositions and projects have been presented in 20+ countries by various internationally acclaimed soloists and ensembles, such as pianists Hayk Melikyan and Eunmi Ko, the American Composers Orchestra, the Keuris Saxophone Quartet, NOISE-BRIDGE, and Alarm Will Sound, to name a few. As a performer, he has appeared at venues across the US, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, presenting piano and chamber music recitals, interdisciplinary and experimental performances, and lecture-recitals that fuse performance with research. Green’s most important social justice work has been with Castle of our Skins: celebrating Black Artistry through Music.